Friday, September 3, 2010

Raw Milk

The above is a link that will lead you to a page all about the incredible goodness of Raw Milk. I used to consider being vegan as the healthiest lifestyle, overall, but have now changed my position (which I hardly *ever* do... *insert much sarcasm*). Everything that vegans say about milk being horrible is accurate, when they are talking about milk that has been pasteurized and homogenized. But, Raw Milk is a perfect, whole food. (As long as it is from cows that have been grass fed and all things involved are organic)
I was having a hard time getting to sleep last night and I suddenly thought of one of my biggest arguments for being vegan. I remember saying, "We're the only species that drinks milk from another species and we're the only species that continue to drink milk after infancy." Upon further consideration I realized that we're also the only mammals that walk upright... is that bad for us? And, everyone's heard of a story that involved an abandoned infant animal that was put on the breast of a Mama of an entirely different species and thrived off the milk. We're also one of very few species that has funky thumbs (I can't find how to spell that word that is more fancy then funky, for what our thumbs are called. So much for sounding intelligent ; ) ) . Should we not use our thumbs? We are also the only species to communicate in the language that we do... so, I came to the conclusion that drinking milk (as long as it's organic, grass fed, RAW milk) is just another weird thing that us humans can do, AND it might even be really good for us!
I thought you should know...


  1. Opposable thumbs? Well, we humans are not the only ones to have those ;-)

  2. I said, "one of very few" species... gosh Sarah, learn how to read it correctly.


    I went and fixed it *after* you left your comment. You must feel soooooooo smart... ; )

  3. You have such a beautiful open mind! Thanks for the information!
