Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cup of Inspiration

Hello there, my name is Mark.

I am not real...and you might not know me, but here I am typing and sharing with you what it is that is going through my mind at this given moment. This is part of the wonder that is the Internet and "blogging", the sharing of thoughts and opinions.

I have been invited to partake in this blog by its creator RAGE. I suppose it is because I ask the single worded question "why?" of her frequently. Or, maybe she invited me to be a part of this virtual discussion because she appreciates my differing opinion on matters in this world we live in. I do not know the exact reason but here I am.

Today I introduce my new friend. I bought him last night with my wife Sara at Michaels Craft Store. He was only $1.00 and though he was stacked in a bin with many like him, this particular one spoke to me. Maybe it was the voices of the factory workers in China that make .015 cents per 100 cups? Maybe it was the fact that I have been feeling creatively taxed these past months? I do not know exactly why, but his little message spoke clearly to me: "Write your own story".

It is gentle little reminders like this one that continue us on our path. They nudge us along through these days of dark rise and dark fall. They help to keep our eyes somewhat focused on a horizon that we at times feel may never really approach. A horizontal line of color and life that we swear is out there, knowing so because we can see it, but still afraid to believe in because it seems so far out of reach.

It took a little $1.00 mug to help put me back in sync with my mental GPS. Today I feel like I am slightly back on course. Maybe it is the cup of strong coffee that sits inside my new friend. Maybe it is just a case of mental diarrhea that needed to be purged. Regardless the job has been accomplished and I sit here typing for you.

Writing my own story...


  1. I think this post says why I invited you, bro! I love your new friend. He is wise and uplifting just like yourself. : ) You guys are making this blog awesome in the key of A!

  2. Welcome, Mark! I am glad that you brought your new friend with you. I look forward to your future posts! Blogging is kind of like music; do it for yourself, and don't worry about anyone else.
