Monday, November 22, 2010


It is absolutely freezing outside tonight. The snow is still coming and I've even heard that there is a chance of "Thunder Snow" which always gets my husband excited!! He likes to say it in a very low powerful he's announcing something really important. It makes me giggle *every* time!

Tonight I am just so glad to have this home, to have a job, to be able to pay my bills, to have my friends and family, and to recognize that I am the luckiest girl.

I've been trying to become a better person lately...nothing huge...just taking small steps to become a more patient, giving, and kind person. Lately most of my friends have told me in some way or another how much they love me....or how good of a person I am. It made me nervous at first. I even turned to Mark and asked, "Why is everyone being so great to me lately? Am I about to die or something?" He thinks it's because of my recent attempts of being better. Even though I haven't really told anyone about my new personal quest to become better....he thinks that somehow people are picking up on it....noticing small things....recognizing them.

Whatever the I am....warm, loved, and grateful on a beautiful snowy night.


  1. It's very weird how very parallel are lives are... We have been appreciating our big, warm, bright house immensely and I can't stop saying, "It's the Arctic Blast of 2010!" in a very low and epic announcer like voice. Only there are no giggles, just, "Moooooooooommmmmmm" said in voices strained with being highly annoyed. Can you imagine? Me, annoying?? Geesh...

  2. One sign you are trying to be a better person I have on video. Well, audio, actually since the camera was pointed elsewhere. You were admonishing me for calling the *lady* that knocked my video camera over and onto the floor at the Contour a whore. Yelling 'whore' at her to be more precise. I love it you saying "Nooooo!" and me saying "I don't fucking care!"

    You are a good person. You don't have to try to be a better person because you simply ARE. I'm thankful for people like you - you balance out the universe from people like me.

  3. You truly are a beautiful person inside and out. The kindness you show for others is so powerful it shines through even when you don't try!! You motivate me to want to want to be a better person! I only wish I could be as caring, motivating, positive, and as wonderful as you are! I am so blessed to have such a person in my life!! Thank you soo much!!
