Saturday, November 20, 2010

A passing

One of my good friends dog passed away yesturday. His name was Brin and I would definately say that he was a friend of mine. I'm am stuck in a variety of emotions and of course relate those emotions to my own life. I am terrified of the day when I will lose my best friend. My vision is blurred with just a moment of that thought.

As for Pearl (Brin's best friend)....I hope she can find at least a small amount of comfort in the fact that she provided her best friend such a wonderful life.

I am wiping my nose.

I miss him already.


  1. You are a wonderful friend Mrs. Sara Young.

    With compassion that runs as deep as yours...I fear the day that we have to deal with a loss like this.

    If anything can be taken from the passing of Brin, I think it to be a gentle reminder that our time is limited. Our moment is now. That this big spinning mass of carbon and matter will continue on long after us and we need to make sure our mark is left on it.

    Embrace the ones that mean what Brin was to Pearl, letting them know what they mean to you.

    Get ready for a huge everybody.

  2. I am so thankful that I was able to see my Brynnie on Friday and give him a belly scratch. He loved my belly scratches the best!

    My dad, as always, has the words of wisdom for these situations. When I was a kid and my parents had to make this awful decision we all dread having to make, Dad told me that sometimes the kindest thing you can do for them is the cruelest thing you can do to yourself but you always put the needs of those you love above your own.

    Brynn, like Katica, like everyone I've ever known and loved that has passed into and out of my life is not gone as long as I'm here. They live on forever in my heart and in my mind. Your heart, dear Sara, is big enough to hold the world.
